1. to blink, turn a blind eye or overlook [Latin]
Conniveo combines virtual reality and physical installation to highlight marine pollution, particularly plastic pollution, oil pollution, dead zones and over-fishing.
The viewer is on an uninhabited island, far away from anywhere or anyone else on Earth, where humans have rarely ventured. They are free to explore.
Submerging themselves underwater in the vibrant ocean, they notice a fishing net caught between two rocks. The net forms a pathway between the viewer and the reality of a polluted world. It is their choice whether they overlook the pollution and remain behind the façade of beauty.
This remote, untouched paradise is not so. There are no islands on Earth left untarnished by human pollution. Henderson Island is one of the most remote islands in the world. Uninhabited and largely untouched. Yet, it was found to have the highest density of plastics pollution anywhere in the world.
Watch the video walkthrough of the navigational virtual reality environment ︎︎︎
About the artist:
Georgia Tucker (b.1996 in Birmingham, UK) lives and works between Birmingham and London. She is an experiential artist exploring the blending of physical and virtual environments, working both with space and without. Using Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and physical immersive installation to explore the need for an embodied experience and the complexity of materiality in the digital. Her work focuses on topics of sustainability and climate change while exploring the enhancements in immersive technology.