Sort: Pineapple 'Nana' / Place of production: Guayaquil, Ecuador / Cultivation method: Outdoor plantation / Time of harvest: All- season / Transporting distance: 10.666 km (linear distance) / Means of transportation: Aircraft, truck / Carbon footprint (total) per kg: 11,94 kg / Water requirement (total) per kg: 360 l / Price: 2,10 € per kg
According to a UN study, one third of the world's food goes to waste - the largest part thereof in the industrialized nations of the global north. Equally, 925 million people around the world are threatened by starvation. The series “One Third” describes the connection between individual wastage of food and globalized food production. Rotting food, arranged into elaborate still-lives, portrays an abstract picture of the wastage of food whilst the accompanying texts take a more in depth look at the roots of this issue. “One Third” goes past the ‘sell by’ date in order to document the full dimensions of the global food waste.
See the video about the “One Third” project (in German):
About the artist:
Klaus Pichler born 1977, lives and works in Vienna, Austria. Since 2005 Pichler is a freelance photographer, working for international clients and creating free projects.
Selected solo exhibitions:
2021 ‘One Third’, Kale Art Center, Instanbul, Turkey; 2021 ‘This will change your life forever’, Stadthaus Ulm, Ulm, Germany; 2019 ‘Self storage’, Museum of Industrial Culture, Moscow, Russia; 2018 ‘One Third’ at Provinciehuis, The Hague, Netherlands; 2018 ‘Middle Class Utopia’ Galerie Le Carré d’Art, Chartres Bretagne, France; 2017 ‘Golden days before they end, AQ Galerija, Celje, Slovenia; 2017 ‘Golden days before they end’, Photon Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2017 ‘This will change your life forever’, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria; 2016 ‘Golden Days’, Kunsthalle Graz, Graz, Austria; 2015 ‘Dust’, K2 – Kunsthalle Semriach, Semriach, Austria; 2015 ‘Just the two of us’, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria; 2014 ‘Just the two of us’, Austrian Cultural Forum, Bratislava, Slovakia; 2014 ‘Just the two of us’, Galerie ROCKELMANN&, Berlin, Germany; 2014 ‘One Third’, European Economic and Social Forum, Brussels, Belgium.
Selected group exhibitions:
2021 ‘This will change your life forever’, Belgrade Photo Month, Serbia; 2021 ‘Golden days before they end’, Fotofestival Nürnberg, Germany; 2019 ‘One Third’, Kopernikus Art Centre, Warsaw, Poland; 2019 ‘Klasse Kunst’, Landesgalerie Linz, Linz, Austria; 2019 ‚Prison’, Musée de Confluences, Lyon, France. 2019 ‘This will…’ at Celje Fokus, City Gallery, Celje, Slovenia; 2019 ‘Skeletons…’ at ‘Instinct’, Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2019 ‚Another Europe‘, Sibiu City Center, Sibiu, Romania; 2019 ‚One Third‘, Krakow Photo Month, Krakow, Poland; 2019 ’This will change…’. ‚Real Magic‘, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria; 2019 ’This will change…’, Photofestiwal Lodz, Lodz, Poland; 2019 ‚Prison‘, Red Cross Museum, Geneve, Switzerland; 2019 ‘Gefängnis’, Deutsches Hygienemuseum, Dresden, Germany; 2018 ‚Food Revolution 5.0‘, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Switzerland; 2018 ‘photo graz selektion II’, Fotoforum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria; 2018 ‘Another Europe’, Austrian Cultural Forum, London, United Kingdom; 2018 ‘photo graz selection II’ Galerija Zuccato, Porec, Slovenia; 2018 ‘photo graz selection II’, Gradske Galerije, Osijek, Slovenia; 2018 ‘Middle Class Utiopia’, Photo London, London, United Kingdom; 2018 ‘Just the two…’ in ‘Gut Gespielt’, Alte Fabrik, Rapperswil, Switzerland; 2017 ‘Skeletons…’ in ‘Fauna’, Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne, Germany; 2017 ‘One Third’, Photo Beijing Festival, Beijing, China.